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Psalm 1:3

He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
What is the result of avoiding ungodly counsel, not aligning yourself with sinners or their ways, and delighting and meditating on God's word? A prosperous life.

This is not talking about getting rich. Though there are some who would preach a health and wealth gospel, the Bible does not teach that. This is talking about a spiritually prosperous life. A life that can withstand all of the trials and tribulations this world sends. This idea of a tree by a river paints a picture of a person who is rooted, and rooted in the best of places.

This world is a hard place to live in. Difficult times are ahead of you or are already on top of you, trying to bring you down. But if you are firmly grounded in the Christ, drinking daily from the river of His truth, then you will be like this tree. You will bring forth your fruit in your season, your leaf will not wither, and whatever you undertake to do, it will be prosperous.


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