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Psalm 50:18

When you see a thief, you join with him;
you throw in your lot with adulterers.
Here is one of the true tests of your stance: are you standing with the righteous or with the wicked. There are only two places to stand. You must be with one or the other. There is no fence to straddle.

Lest you think that I am being judgmental, I would like to share on a more personal note.

When I was a teenager, I would have thought that I was a pretty good kid. I would have thought that I was standing amongst the righteous. There were signs though, of my true intents because the heart will reveal itself sooner or later.

In high school I would have thrown my lot in with the thieves. When the other kids were cheating, sure enough, I was too. There were other things as well, but I wasn't all that bad. The key that I am getting across is that the only thing that was limiting me was availability. You see, anytime a sin came available, I threw in my lot with it. I was trying to judge my spiritual state by what I was doing, but the only reason I wasn't that bad is because I hadn't had opportunity.

When I got older and the temptations got bigger and I threw my lot in... Then I knew what a great sinner I was. My heart had been revealed for what it really was. It had been revealing itself all along, I was just not wise enough to see it.

When opportunity arises, where do you throw your lot?


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